
Keep A Balance: Wellness Strategies for Holiday Prep

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Are you feeling the holiday pressure rising as the calendar pages turn? You’re not alone. From managing festive stress to balancing feasts and self care, we’ve got practical strategies that promise more joy and less overwhelm this holiday season. Keep reading to find out how you can find the perfect balance this festive season so you can ring in the new year as your healthiest, happiest self.

Understanding Holiday Challenges and its Effects on Wellness

In the heart of holiday preparations, it’s not uncommon to overlook the impact of the season on your wellness. The pressure to create perfect holiday experiences and to see family or friends that you may find challenging can lead to increased stress, affecting both mental and physical health. Disruptions to regular routines, changes in sleep patterns, and frequent indulgence in rich foods are also pretty common during this time and hugely impact the way you feel.

We often ignore the signs of stress and fatigue, thinking it’s just part of the holiday package, a necessity for the good times. But this doesn’t have to be the case each year. By understanding the connection between the holiday hustle and your health, you can make smarter choices that keep you feeling energized and balanced. Enjoy every moment of the season without compromising on your health!

Mental Health: Recognizing Emotional Needs and Triggers

The holiday season brings a mix of emotions and stresses that can have heavy impacts on our mental health when left unchecked. While it’s a time of celebration, it’s a time where harder feelings are easily more raw.

Understanding how this time of the year impacts you emotionally is key to getting curious about your feelings instead of reactive.

During this time, you may face increased pressures from family expectations, financial concerns, or even just the hustle of preparing for festivities. These factors can trigger feelings of anxiety, sadness, or stress. If you are grieving the loss of someone, the ache of missing them could feel all-consuming this time of year, too. Recognizing your emotions as they arise is the first step in managing them so they don’t compound and degrade your mental health. 

It’s important to listen to your feelings and acknowledge that it’s normal to experience a full range of emotions during the holidays. There isn’t a “right” or “wrong” way to feel, and giving yourself permission instead of telling yourself what you “should” or “shouldn’t feel can go a long way. Dealing with emotions openly can prevent stress and sadness from bottling up and manifesting as physical symptoms. . 

You will also want to pay attention to what your emotions are telling you. If certain holiday rituals or family interactions make you uncomfortable, it’s okay to step back and take time for yourself. 

Setting realistic expectations for yourself and the holiday season is a practical approach to finding balance. This might mean adjusting traditions, seeking support, or allowing yourself to take breaks. Creating a holiday experience that suits your emotional needs is essential.

By staying aware of your emotional triggers and needs, you navigate the holiday season in a way that supports your mental health, making the experience more manageable and enjoyable.

Staying Active: Integrating Exercise into the Lead Up to the Holidays

The lead-up to the holiday season often means busier schedules and longer to-do lists. Amidst this, maintaining an exercise routine might seem challenging, or even a time when excuses are easier to come by, but it’s a fundamental part of supporting your mental and physical health, especially during this hectic time.

Staying active doesn’t necessarily have to mean sticking to a rigorous workout schedule. It’s about finding creative ways to integrate movement into your day. Any movement is better than none. Staying active can be as simple as taking a brisk walk in the morning or choosing stairs over elevators. These small choices add up, helping you stay energized and focused.

Exercise is not just about physical fitness; it’s a powerful tool for managing stress and improving mood. Regular physical activity releases endorphins, which are natural mood lifters. This can be particularly beneficial when you’re navigating the emotional complexities of the holiday season. 

Try to set realistic exercise goals that fit into your holiday preparations and activities. Whether it’s a short home workout, a yoga session, or a dance break while cooking, the key is to keep moving in ways that you enjoy. Inviting loved ones out for a brisk walk after a holiday meal, offers an opportunity to talk, take a break from the festivities and move. This approach not only helps maintain your fitness but also brings a sense of joy and accomplishment. 

Showing your body gratitude for the ability to have range of movement (whatever that looks like for you) will help you stay motivated to stick with it, even when things feel hectic. As the holidays approach, remind yourself that staying active is a great gift of self-care. 

Balancing Festive Eating: Nutrition Tips for the Holidays

The leadup to the holidays can be an exciting time filled with parties and novelty treats that only happen one time a year. It can be so tempting to buy the holiday snacks, want to try everything at the market, and overindulge at another Christmas party – All before it is even the holidays!

While this is a time for celebration, it should also be a period when we pay attention to the ways we are fueling our body so we can make the most out of the holidays! No one wants to feel sluggish, hungover, and mentally foggy for over a month! Balance is definitely the key here. 

Start by planning your meals. A meal plan can be a lifesaver during the busy holiday lead up. It helps you make conscious food choices, ensuring you’re getting a balance of nutrients even on your busiest days and can be great for budgeting! Try to include a variety of fruits, vegetables,and  plenty of proteins.

Portion control shouldn’t be overlooked. You can enjoy your favorite dishes, but be mindful of the quantities. It’s so easy to overindulge when faced with a full table of delicious and tempting options, so listening to your body and recognizing when you’re full can help prevent overeating. You’ll feel more energetic and less bloated!

Stay hydrated. With the hustle and bustle, it’s easy to forget about drinking water. Keeping yourself hydrated aids in digestion and can even help curb unnecessary snacking. Quite often, we think we’re hungry when we are actually thirsty! 

Pro tip: Try carrying a water bottle when you go Christmas shopping.

All this being said, don’t forget to treat yourself! The holidays are a time for enjoyment, and that includes meals. Allowing yourself to indulge in moderation is part of a healthy relationship with food. It’s about finding a balance that lets you savor the flavors of the season without feeling deprived or guilty.

By keeping these tips in mind, you can navigate holiday eating with a sense of balance and well-being, enjoying the festive treats while also taking care of your health.

Finding Balance: Managing Excitement and Relaxation Over the Holiday Period

Finding a balance between excitement and relaxation during the holidays can be challenging, but it will be an enhancer to your enjoyment of the festivities, making it much more fulfilling than you thought possible.

You can start by acknowledging that it’s okay to feel more than one feeling at once without pushing these thoughts and emotions away. There is room to feel both excited and overwhelmed simultaneously. The holidays are full of high expectations, and as we covered, it’s natural to feel a range of emotions. Recognizing this helps in planning a more balanced approach to your activities and rest.

Try to schedule downtime just as you would an appointment. Everyone needs time for themselves from time to time, especially during hectic and high-demand scenarios. This could mean setting aside time for a quiet evening at home, a relaxing bath, or a leisurely walk, whatever makes you feel rejuvenated and recharged. These moments of calm provide a necessary counterbalance to the hustle and bustle of the season.

Balance your social commitments with personal time. While it’s tempting to attend every party and gathering, it’s okay to politely decline invitations if you’re feeling stretched too thin. This is an example of having good boundaries and self-care. You want to avoid burnout. It’s always a priority to prioritize your own well-being, not only is it a gift to yourself, it is a gift to those around you too. 

Not sure where to start? If you are more used to caring for others than caring for yourself, there is no better time to start than the here and now. Don’t overlook the power of simple relaxation techniques. Practices like deep breathing, meditation, or even short naps can be incredibly rejuvenating during busy days. These small acts of self-care will significantly reduce stress and anxiety levels so you can show up your best and happiest self.

The heart of a fulfilling holiday season lies in finding a balance. It’s about blending the joy and festivities with self-care and mindfulness so you don’t sacrifice your health and wellness. Each conscious effort, no matter how big or small, contributes to your overall well-being. We encourage you to embrace the season’s spirit while listening to your body and mind. 

By keeping wellness and a balanced lifestyle at the forefront, you’re preparing for a wonderful holiday season and setting a foundation for a healthy and happy life beyond it.

If you need coaching support this holiday season or you would like to explore how to optimize 2024, book a session with Dr. E

If your needs are urgent, or you cannot find an online option, you are welcome to email her at [email protected]