Author Archive

Empowering Women: Pelvic Rehabilitation and Wellness

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Pelvic discomfort doesn’t have to be a silent struggle or a permanent setback. There’s a way forward that brings relief and empowerment, allowing you to reclaim your life. Pelvic rehabilitation can help you regain comfort and control over your body. 

What is Pelvic Rehabilitation?

Pelvic rehabilitation is a specialized approach designed to strengthen and heal your pelvic floor muscles, the group of muscles that support your pelvic organs, including the bladder and uterus

Healthy pelvic muscles are ...

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Tap into Your Inner Power: Strategies for Women Seeking Change

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Do you feel like no matter what you do, there is something that just seems to hold you back? Many people struggle with this in silence. Tapping into your Inner power with these strategies can help you achieve the breakthroughs you need to reach the positive changes of your dreams. 

Understanding Your Inner Power and Why We Sometimes Lose It

At the core of every one of us lies a powerful force, an inner strength that shapes our decisions, drives ...

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Secrets to Reclaiming Your Time and Finding Your True Calling

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Do you feel like your days are constantly slipping away, leaving you wondering where the time went? You’re not the only one facing this challenge. Many of us struggle to manage our time effectively, often resulting in sacrificing our personal goals and dreams in the process. These simple, impactful strategies will help you reclaim your time and focus on living a life you can’t get enough of!

Why We Lose Sight of What Fulfills Us

In a day filled with endless ...

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Dry Needling: A Deep Pain Relief Solution

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Have you reached a dead end with conventional pain relief methods? Dry needling introduces a fresh perspective, targeting the hidden triggers of your discomfort. This scientifically-backed technique offers a path to relief you likely haven’t explored yet. Let us help you break through to pain-free living.

What is Dry Needling? 

Dry needling offers a modern take on pain management. Its roots trace are in Western medicine but inspired by ancient techniques. It has been refined through a deep understanding of the ...

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Inflammation and Healing: Facilitating Your Body’s Natural Recovery Process

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Struggling with swelling or pain that just won’t seem to go away? You might be overlooking a powerful aspect of your recovery: your body’s own response to injury. Understanding inflammation could be the key to faster, more effective healing!

Understanding Inflammation: Your Body’s Reaction to Injury

Inflammation might sound like a condition you want to avoid, but it’s actually your body’s way of protecting you. When you experience an injury by a cut, a sprain, or any form of physical trauma, ...

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The Road to Recovery: Navigating Post-Operative Rehab

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Feeling lost about the best way to recover after surgery? You’re not alone. Many people struggle to find the right steps towards healing, often feeling overwhelmed by the options and advice out there. Our approach strips back the confusion, zeroing in on effective rehab strategies that promise to get back to the things you love!

Post-Operative Rehab: What is it? 

Post-operative rehab is a tailored program designed to support you through your recovery after surgery. It focuses on personalized exercises and ...

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Empowerment Through Movement: A Valentine’s Day Guide to Loving Your Body

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Ever wondered if Valentine’s Day could offer more than just heart-shaped candies and flowers? It can! You have the power to step away from convention and transform this celebration into one of self-love and deeper connections through the simple act of moving and appreciating your body. 

A New Way To Valentine’s Day: Expanding Our View

When you think of Valentine’s Day, I bet you think of romantic love. It’s been framed this way for generations. But I want to encourage you ...

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Cupping Therapy: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Wellness

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Are you looking for tried-and true methods that actually offer the pain release they promise? Cupping therapy might be exactly what you’ve been searching for! With a technique dating back generations, you’ll be rushing to make an appointment asap. 

What is Cupping Therapy? 

Cupping therapy is a form of natural and alternative medicine that has captured hearts due to its unique approach to wellness and pain relief. It addresses various health concerns without the pharmacy, which has truly tested the lengths ...

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Whole30: Your Pathway to Sustainable Nutrition

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Are you wondering why your past diets never seem to work? It could be that you haven’t found the right approach yet. Enter Whole30, a straightforward, no-nonsense program focused on whole, unprocessed foods. It’s not just another diet trend; it’s about understanding what truly works for your body. Whole30 can be more than just a 30-day challenge; it can be a gateway to lasting nutritional habits.

The Role of Nutrition in Overall Wellness

When we think about eating right, it’s easy ...

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Elevate Your Potential: Tailored Life and Leadership Coaching at Core Wellness

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Are you wanting to elevate your potential? It’s normal to not know where to start when life is already so busy. With all of those emotions weighing on your chest, it’s time you had some help to overcome what is holding you back. Difficult challenges in life aren’t meant to be dealt with alone, so we have you covered! 

Understanding the Core of Leadership and Life Coaching at Core Wellness

Leadership and life coaching at Core Wellness are defined by their ...

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