
Tap into Your Inner Power: Strategies for Women Seeking Change

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Do you feel like no matter what you do, there is something that just seems to hold you back? Many people struggle with this in silence. Tapping into your Inner power with these strategies can help you achieve the breakthroughs you need to reach the positive changes of your dreams. 

Understanding Your Inner Power and Why We Sometimes Lose It

At the core of every one of us lies a powerful force, an inner strength that shapes our decisions, drives our actions, and defines our path in life. But there are moments when this energy seems disconnected from us. When that happens, it can leave us second-guessing our abilities and the direction we are headed. It can leave us feeling stuck and stagnant.

The reasons behind this loss of power are as diverse as our individual experiences. But there are some commonalities for women (and those from minority groups). This is especially true when it comes to societal pressure that leads to internal doubts. These ‘norms’ can rob us of our perception of our inner power. Whether that is feeling powerless in our own lives or on a grander scale. 

Feeling a lack of inner power can lead us to feel like there is no way we will be able to make positive changes. 

Still, life is complex, no matter which gender you best identify with. Daily stressors, societal expectations, and past setbacks or traumas can cloud our self-perception, leading to a disconnect from our inner strength. 

By understanding the common barriers that can obscure our sense of power—such as fear, negative self-talk, and the influence of others—we begin to pave the way for reclaiming it. To inspire others to do the same, and carve out the life we want and deserve. 

Why Do We Find Change and Transition Challenging?

We all know that change is inevitable… and that it is also scary. It’s usually tied to a big transition in our life. It has us moving from the cozy comfort of the “known” into the “unknown.” Often we’re not confident that we can cope with what might (or might not) happen, whether this is conscious or not. The reasons changes are challenging are deeply rooted in both our personal experiences and the framework of our current society. This is true to the human experience but we want to focus today on those who identify as women. 

Women’s Challenges with Life Changes

Women, in particular, face unique pressures and expectations that can make navigating change even more daunting due to historical perceptions and limitations on our gender.

For many generations before us, limits were set on women’s choices and their perceived capabilities. These constraints influence the way women feel when making decisions. It has had an impact on the self-esteem and confidence of millions of women. Unfortunately, this has led to a struggle in knowing how to connect with their inner voice, to make decisions, or take control. 

While you might think this was years ago, these concepts and perceptions haven’t left us yet. They have been passed down either directly or indirectly from previous generations and the media. You can think of it as a type of generational trauma

The fear of judgment, failure, and the unknown looms large, compounded by the struggle to balance personal hopes and dreams with familial and societal expectations. 

Women’s voices have been marginalized in many areas, leading to a lack of representation and support when trying to initiate change or transition in their lives. While we have got closer to equality over the years, we still have a long way to go.

The point in this isn’t to dwell on obstacles but to recognize the unique challenges women are faced with. It is also to harness the strength and resilience to overcome them. We should aim to continue the momentum achieved by the incredible women who came before us. They were cyclebreakers. They tapped into their inner power to make the changes we are fortunate enough to experience today.

By confronting the fear and anxiety of the unknown, we can begin dismantling the barriers that hold us back. We can open the door to meaningful, necessary changes to benefit us, and for future generations.

Identifying Barriers to Change and What Holds You Back

You can only overcome the barriers you actually know about. When life gets busy, and we start losing ourselves in the flow of day-to-day life, we can become less self-aware. This can lead to us not fully understanding what truly is holding us back. I want to encourage you to practice self-reflection and mindfulness

Get curious with yourself. Try to notice the choices you make and the “why” behind them. I would recommend grabbing a journal for this so you can begin to see patterns a bit easier. After some time and ‘data’, you will be able to localize what truly is holding you back. 

Figuring this out will need self-exploration. The points you get hung up on will be unique to you. However, there is commonality as a woman, and as a part of the human experience. I want you to consider these common barriers during your reflection time, too:

Common Barriers to Change

  • Resistance to New Experiences: It’s common to prefer the comfort of the familiar. Ask yourself if you have a mindset to embrace change as an exciting new experience or if changes feel like something you very openly avoid. Sit with your feelings without judgment on this. You just want to observe for now.
  • Limited Access to Resources: Whether it’s financial, educational, or emotional support. Often, feeling like we don’t have the resources can be a roadblock. This may also be a perception instead of the actual truth. Do you feel this way? Have you looked at solutions? 
  • Cultural and Social Norms: Expectations placed on women can, directly or indirectly, dictate the acceptable roles for our gender. Have you felt this pressure silently influencing your choices? Can you envision yourself being successful? What would it feel like to step outside of these norms? 
  • Self-Doubt: That pesky little inner voice that questions our capabilities can be a massive hurdle to overcome. Can you observe your thoughts and pick up when that nagging voice starts up? Would you talk to a friend in the same way your inner voice talks to yourself?
  • Balancing Responsibilities: Life is busy. Between responsibilities at work, taking care of your home, the kids, your partner, seeing friends, and self-care, it is a lot to try to balance. Stretching yourself too thin (especially for women striving for equality) is a major roadblock to making even positive change. Check in with yourself. Are you just treading water? If you’re in a dance with burnout, is there a way you can delegate to reclaim the connection with yourself? 

I also don’t want you to beat yourself up too badly if you are feeling hesitation towards change. We need to show up for yourselves with compassion, even when things are hard. 

You’re taking the steps right now to recognize where you are in the process and reading the resources to move forward. You are making a positive change right now. Not all change has to be sweeping and drastic. Even 1% in the right direction is still a win. Don’t forget to celebrate it. 

Have patience and grace with yourself. Know that the process isn’t linear, but you have the inner power to get to where your heart wants to go.

Strategies to Tap Into Your Inner Power for Positive Change

If you have been feeling the dread of change, stuck and unsure what to do, or just disconnected from yourself, there are things you can do to reclaim inner power. These strategies will help get you back to homeostasis so you can confidently make the decisions and positive changes needed to propel your life: 

Set Clear Goals

Start by writing down what you want to achieve. Having a visual and clear intention transforms thoughts into actions. Some might even call this manifesting. When you get busy taking care of others, it can act as a reminder of who you are and what you want. It’s more concrete than having the thoughts floating around in your mind. Use it as an anchor to your purpose. 

Practice Mindfulness Regularly

Allocate even just 10 minutes each day to observe your thoughts without judgment. This practice grounds you in the present moment, reduces stress and enhances your decision-making capabilities and self-awareness.

Develop Resilience

When faced with (inevitable) setbacks, instead of giving up, ask yourself what you can learn from the experience. This approach helps you to recover more quickly and builds your capacity to navigate future challenges with greater ease and confidence. Always look for the lesson in the experience.

Cultivate a Positive Social Circle

Make it a goal to surround yourself with people who uplift and support you. Their positive energy is a well-known mood booster, and they can be a voice to reinforce your own beliefs in your abilities, making it easier to pursue your goals. We all need a few good eggs in our corner.

Embrace Self-Compassion

We said it already, but it’s not to be understated. Treat yourself with the same kindness you would offer a friend. Acknowledging your worth and forgiving yourself for mistakes encourages a healthier self-view and resilience in the face of adversity. 

Commit to Lifelong Learning

Always know there is more to learn and that learning is a privilege. What new knowledge and skills excites you today? Go after it! Learning creates new neural pathways in our brains. Slowly reshaping our thought patterns and brain chemistry. This continuous growth enriches your life, opens new doors, and ensures you are better equipped to adapt to change and seize opportunities that align with your values.

Maintain Physical Health

Engage in regular physical activity and eat nutritiously. These habits improve your physical well-being. When you take care of your physical body, you are also taking care of your mental wellbeing. This is due to the brain-gut connection

Change can feel overwhelming when you don’t trust yourself. When you make a physical wellness goal and follow through, you build trust in yourself. When you go a step further (like breaking through personal records with exercise) the confidence boost can be extraordinary fuel, proving that you are constantly growing and can do hard things. 

Prioritize Self-Care

Regularly schedule activities that bring you joy. Self Care isn’t selfish. You need to find ways to relax so stress doesn’t wreak havoc on your body. Whether that’s reading, taking a much-needed break, or setting a boundary. 

Self-care isn’t all about face masks and bubble baths, though those can help. It is showing up as a parent to yourself. It is about ensuring you make decisions based on your needs that support your well-being in the long run. 

Use Visualization Techniques

Spend time visualizing your success in vivid detail. This mental rehearsal boosts confidence and motivation, making your goals feel more tangible and within reach. It is a concept based on exposure therapy. 

If you struggle with this, take your journal from earlier and try to write this down as a short story. This can help capture more feelings while also creating distance from yourself. When you think of yourself as a character you can better break down roadblocks with logic than emotion. 

Break Goals into Actionable Steps

Divide your larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks. This strategy makes your goals seem less intimidating and provides a clear pathway to achievement. With each completed task building momentum and confidence. Smashing goals is done through small steps that accumulate into big success. 

Tapping into your inner power to embrace change will help you rise to your truest potential and shape the life you have always wanted. By pushing past the fear and the challenges, you flex your innate strength, resilience, and the ambition that we know you have within. It will take you to many beautiful places, and beyond.

Are you craving direction in your life? Watch our blog or get in touch for more tips, strategies, and personalized services that can help you optimize your life to the core.