
December Wellness: How to Maintain Commitments to Health & Wellness Before Christmas

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Feeling the pressure of staying on top of your health during the festive season?Yeah, us too.  It’s a common challenge. Our already busy day to day is in hyperdrive as we prepare, plan, celebrate and indulge, right? But what if balancing holiday enjoyment and wellness is simpler than you think? This season can be different, with the right approach to your health and happiness.

Challenges of Maintaining Healthy Habits Over the Holidays

The holiday season is one of the most joyous and one of the most stressful times of the year for so many people. With the flood of high and low emotions, the indulgent treats, supersized meals at every turn, and the jam-packed social calendar, it’s likely your normal wellness routine has taken a bit of a hit. 

When your usual health practices falter, you’ll notice a decrease in energy levels, mood swings, higher stress and even more cravings! You can even experience a weakened immune system, all of which can diminish your ability to fully enjoy the season’s festivities. 

With so many temptations and excuses during the festivities, it is easy to see why we may lose sight of our wellness goals, especially when the view of staying healthy may just be resisting an extra slice of pie or squeezing in a morning jog. We need to have compassion for ourselves in these moments, but also recognize that you don’t need to wrap up every holiday season with negative feelings about how far off track from your wellness goals you now are. You also ‘can have your cake and eat it too’ by being mindful and finding balance and a holistic approach to health and wellness. Remember consistency of our habits is key. 

While being intentional about your food choices and moving your body are amazing ways to meet your wellness goals, true wellness encompasses the core of who you are. To be genuinely healthy means you nurture your whole self: mentally, socially, nutritionally, financially, spiritually, and physically. The sum of “all parts” and aspects is what matters.

By embracing this broader perspective, you can navigate the holiday season in a way that nurtures all aspects of your health and happiness, leaving you feeling your absolute best as you enter the new year.

Let’s Talk Strategies

The lead-up to the holidays can be as much of a whirlwind as the actual holidays themselves and it is a  time when we often forgo our wellness standards in favor of staff parties, festive treats, and spending more than our means on well-intentioned gifts for those we love. Setting yourself up with manageable strategies and tips during the lead-up to the holiday means we can rest, relax, and rejuvenate a bit more when the time actually comes, and feel great knowing you are still hitting your comprehensive wellness goals, regardless of the season! 

Mental and Emotional Health: Strategies for Managing Holiday Stress

The holidays have a way of making us feel a spectrum of intense emotions, including the lead up to them. The highs we feel often feel  even higher. The lows can feel even lower. 

It’s easy to talk about the fun times with friends and family, the pure excitement to give someone the perfectly picked out gift, the smiles on your loved ones faces while checking out Christmas lights, and let’s not forget about the parties…. But the most joyful time of the year is also the most sad or stressful for many of us. 

From the pressure to get things absolutely perfect, the heartache and grief felt from the loss of a loved one, or burnout from packing in too many activities before the holiday even arrives, there are many reasons your mental health could take a hit before you even ring in the new year. 

Here are some simple ways you can make sure you keep your mental and emotional health in check this season:

Acknowledge Your Emotions: Recognize that it’s natural to experience a wide range of feelings during the holidays. Accepting your emotions as valid can help in managing them effectively.

Plan Proactively: Anticipate situations that may cause stress and think ahead about how to handle them, such as preparing responses for difficult conversations or deciding in advance the duration of your stay at events.

Establish Boundaries: Set clear limits with your job, partner, family and friends. It’s important to communicate your needs and comfort levels, especially in potentially stressful interactions.

Incorporate Breaks: Regular pauses in your schedule can prevent burnout. Whether it’s a quiet moment alone, a short walk, or a brief meditation session, these breaks can be rejuvenating for your mind and body.

Embrace Mindfulness: Practices like meditation, yoga, or simply mindful breathing can help ground you and reduce feelings of anxiety or overwhelm.

Seek Support: If you find yourself struggling, reaching out to a therapist or confiding in a trusted friend can offer relief and perspective.

Social Health: Nurturing Relationships During the Festive Rush

Having a healthy social network is an all too under-rated aspect of our health. During the holidays it can be intrinsically nurtured while we get to spend quality time with our loved ones and often re-unite with those we might not see too often. 

That being said, If you’re naturally more introverted, this level of social time can easily drain your battery, causing you to want to limit social interactions. 

Is there pressure to spend time with family, friends, or colleagues that you know aren’t healthy for you? If you are uncomfortable or certain people are causing you emotional dysregulation, the feelings of loneliness or isolation are likely to increase, too.

The key to nurturing your relationships during busy December is about balance and intentions. Creating impactful moments of quality time and connection with people who leave you feeling rejuvenated without packing out your schedule too much. It is about giving yourself moments of alone time without becoming fully immersed. Importantly, it is also about setting boundaries and time parameters when occasions arise when you’ll be faced with people who leave you feeling drained. 

December Healthy Eating: Now Until the Holidays

Can you name a month with tastier treats? It seems every cafe, grocery store, and party has novelty and limited time temptations that make it nearly impossible to not indulge. We won’t tell you to deny yourself this holiday. Food is known to be a bonding experience and many treats amplify the way we experience key moments due to the feel-good hormones that are released when we get to bite into the goodie we’ve been craving. 

But if you’re like many, the indulgence for the holiday’s isn’t necessarily the problem; it’s the frequency! Having a couple of treats on the actual holiday won’t automatically wash your health and wellness progress down the drain, but overindulging in food and drink every couple of days all December long really does take its toll. We know it can be hard to stay diligent when there are so many temptations, so here are some ways you can keep in mind for a more balanced approach to dieting this holiday season:

Plan Your Indulgences: Decide in advance when you’ll treat yourself. Picking specific days or events helps you enjoy treats without it spinning out of control and turning into a daily occurance.

Focus on Portion Control: Savor smaller portions of your favorite holiday treats. This allows you to enjoy the flavors without overindulging.

Balance with Nutritious Meals: Ensure your regular meals are nutritious and balanced to counter the indulgences. Focus on protein first, at least 30 grams, followed by fruits and vegetables of all kinds. 

Stay Hydrated: Often when we feel hungry, we are actually thirsty. Not only is drinking water incredibly healthy for your mind and body, but drinking water throughout the day can help you feel full and reduce the temptation to overeat.

Mindful Eating: Eat slowly and be present while enjoying your food. This mindfulness can enhance satisfaction and prevent mindless overeating.

Avoid Skipping Meals: Skipping meals can lead to overeating later due to ghrelin, your hunger hormone being at a higher level. Keep to your regular eating schedule to maintain steady energy levels and curb cravings.

Get a Good Night’s Rest: Getting enough sleep each night supports your overall well-being and helps manage food cravings. When rested, you’re less likely to rely on high-sugar foods for energy. Strive for 7-8 hours of sleep to restore, refresh, and repair. 

Financial Health: Tips for a Stress-Free Holiday

Whether you are just getting by or feeling pressured on how much you should or shouldn’t spend this holiday season, your finances affect your health, making budgeting an act of self-care. This is especially true if you are in a survival-mode state and wondering how you are going to afford the gifts, food, decor, and social outings associated with the holidays. 

Financial health can be a hush-hush topic, but with the cost of living increase hitting harder for so many of us (during an already emotionally charged time of year) it shouldn’t be overlooked. Here are some tips to help alleviate the stress: 

Prioritize Your Spending: Make a list of your essential holiday expenses. Focus on what’s most important, like meaningful gifts or necessary travel, and cut back on less crucial items.

Embrace Thoughtful, Affordable Gifts: Consider gifts that are more about thoughtfulness than price. Handmade items, baked goods, or heartfelt letters can be more appreciated and cost-effective.

Use Rewards and Points: Take advantage of any accumulated rewards or points on credit cards or store memberships to offset some costs.

Shop Smart: Look for last-minute deals and discounts. Many stores offer holiday sales, which can be a great way to save on gifts and decorations. Always shop around, doing your research could save you a lot of cash on the same item!

Reassess Decorations: Use decorations you already have, or swap with friends and family. There’s no need to buy new decor every year.

Plan Potluck Gatherings: If hosting, consider making it a potluck. This shares the cost of food and can create a diverse and enjoyable meal experience.

Spiritual Health: Finding Peace and Reflection in the Holiday Season

As the year draws to a close, the holiday season becomes a symbolic time for reflection and seeking inner peace. It’s a period when we often wish peace upon the world, making it an ideal time to also seek peace within ourselves. 

Carving out moments for spiritual connection and quiet reflection can be profoundly nourishing, regardless of your faith or spiritual beliefs. It’s an integral part of holistic wellness.Neglecting your spiritual health can lead to a sense of imbalance and disconnect. Taking time to engage with this aspect of yourself can bring a sense of completeness and grounding. Here are some ways to nurture your spiritual health during this reflective time of year:

Schedule Reflective Time: In the lead-up to the holidays, carve out moments for meditation, prayer, or quiet thought. These practices can be a sanctuary from the holiday rush, helping to realign your thoughts and build emotional resilience.

Year-End Reflection: Utilize the holiday season as a natural time for introspection. Look back at the year in full acknowledging both the triumphs and challenges, to find lessons and inspiration for the year ahead. We recommend doing this in a journal. Not sure how to start? These prompts will help!

Embrace Nature’s Calm: Take opportunities to immerse yourself in nature. No matter how you prefer to spend your time outdoors, studies show its immense benefits. Whether it is a walk in the park or time spent grounding. Nature can be revitalizing and provide a spiritual connection, much needed during the busy season.

Cultivate Gratitude: In the midst of holiday preparations, maintain a gratitude practice. Reflecting on what you are thankful for each day fosters a positive mindset and nurtures your spiritual well-being.

Contribute to Your Community: Find ways to volunteer or help out in your community. Acts of kindness and giving back enrich your spirit and strengthen community bonds. 

Physical Health: Staying Active and Fit Before the Celebrations

Keeping up with physical activity can be challenging during the holiday season, especially when it can be cold, dark earlier, and you’re busy! But the benefits are undeniable. Not only does it keep your body agile, keeps blood and oxygen circulating, and provides an energy boost, but the endorphins released from exercise help you feel less stressed and on cloud 9! 

Here are some tips to keep you moving: 

Integrate Movement into Holiday Errands: Turn daily activities into opportunities for exercise. Choose the stairs for shopping trips, walk to nearby stores for holiday errands, or incorporate stretching routines while wrapping gifts.

Set Realistic Exercise Targets: Aim for achievable fitness goals during this busy time. A 15-minute daily workout or a brisk walk to enjoy holiday lights can keep you active without overwhelming your schedule.

Involve Loved Ones in Active Celebrations: Make physical activity a part of holiday fun. A family walk to explore festive decorations, a dance party with holiday tunes, or a playful snowball fight can be great ways to stay active and bond.

Opt for Time-Efficient Workouts: If your schedule is packed, choose high-intensity interval training (HIIT) for a quick yet effective workout session. These can be done at home with minimal equipment and still maintain your fitness.

Flexibility in Your Exercise Routine: The holiday season can disrupt regular schedules. If a workout is missed, focus on what you can do, like taking a short walk or doing bodyweight exercises, and then resume your regular routine as you normally would next time.

This holiday season, let’s define the best ways to care for ourselves. It’s not just about saying no to seasonal treats or forcing yourself to get to the gym; it’s about embracing a deeper level of self-care so you can truly enjoy each moment fully. Real health is about balance – finding joy in the festivities while caring for yourself. It’s the small choices that reflect self-respect and self-love, no matter the season. Figure out what serves you best and is aligned with your health and wellness values-and get it done!

Want 1:1 coaching support this holiday season or a plan to optimize 2024? 

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